The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

I just learned that I have been awarded the Harold E. Saunders award by the American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE). ASNE makes this award each year to a person that has consistently made significant contributions to field of Naval Engineering over a long and distinguish career. This is a truly humbling and a great honor. I had the honor and privilege of serving the United States Navy for over 30 years and now continue to stay active in private industry. I maintain contact with my Penn State friends. It has been over fifty years since we venture out into this great world. I pray this superb country the foundation built by the founding fathers continues to be the land of the free and the home of the brave. I believe our system of government has demonstrated to the world that freedom and capitalism are the best that man has been able to form. Most other forms have not demonstrated the success of this Representative Republic founded on basic principles of freedom granted by our Creator and not by the government. My memories of Penn State reinforce my beliefs in this concept and form of government and I challenge anyone to convince me that all those other forms are better which I believe are inferior to our system. I thank the Alumni association for there service and initiatives.